Thursday, 29 November 2012

Stein. Baum\whelmed

This is a response to my dedicated follower, @mile_end_gurl. She has recently brought to my attention the presence of an up and coming philosopher, theologist, historian and beat poet by the name of Steinbaum.

Steinbaum is renowned for his work in the ghettos of Montreal, if you will. He is a graduate of McGill university and a founding father of frozen-yogurt megacompany, Yeh. Steinbaum is a quiet man, not known for his public appearances, but for what he has done for the young people of Montreal, notably, Mile End. Stein, or "Baum" and he is known to today's youth, has made appearances at local parties and can often be found bike riding on Rue Bernard. He rides a black Supercycle, circa 1987 and has "tricked it out" as they say, with off-road tires and a reinforced multi-purpose carry-all pouch in the front. Look for stein at your local beat-poetry convention, Korova, or just any old Friday night in Mile End. He's always a good time.

(Steinbaum. 1932-Present. Photo, Dax Moward)

Best known for his haiku, "Ratchet Hoz"

Ho got a trill weave,
Being whelmed in Quebec City,
Bi#chez are so Baum

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